What is a LOST VOTE?

This documentary deals with finding and demonstrating lost votes all across the State of Texas – but more specifically in Brazos County. We picked Brazos because it is a medium size county, and because it publishes a list of voters each day of early voting and on election day.
But to answer what is a lost vote – we have to look at the RECONCILIATION REPORT first.

When all of the vote counting is complete – each county (with a few exceptions) is required to produce a reconciliation report like these and post them on the county website. These are important numbers. However the most important numbers are boxes (E) (H) and (M)
E: Total voters
H: Total Ballots Rejected
If you subtract H from E – this is the total number of legally cast ballots. In the case of Brazos County – you add up the Democratic and Republican values for a formula of:
E(R) + E(D) - H(R) - H(D) = 17,048 + 4,911 - 110 - 37 = 21,812
Then the reconciliation also gives the number of ballots that were counted by the machines – in this case
M(R) + M(D) = 16,765 + 4747 = 21,512
Now there are some lost votes in here – there are 300 votes that are not accounted for. The explanation provided by the county was: FLEEING VOTERS AND BALLOTS NOT RETURNED BY MAIL.
We are still working with several counties to figure out why mailed ballots appear to be in the count. A mailed ballot is not a vote until it comes back and is certified as appropriately cast. So we will update this site once we get clarification.
So the county needs to explain 300 votes – and by definition the difference between legally cast votes and the number of votes processed by the machine is the first definition of a lost vote.
The second is when comparing to the State of Texas final voter turnout. This comes from https://votetexas.com and it looks like this:

So if we look at all of these numbers together we see the following for the Both Parties:
THE TEXAS OFFICIAL NUMBER: 21,178 TOTAL VOTERS 21,959 REJECTED BALLOTS - 147 ------- 21,812 <--- TOTAL LEGALLY CAST BALLOTS TOTAL BALLOTS COUNTED (machines) 21,512 -------- Difference 300 <--- County Lost Votes STATE LOST VOTES TEXAS OFFICIAL NUMBER: 21,178 TOTAL LEGALLY CAST: - 21,812 ---------- - 634
There were 634 lost votes in Brazos county – 300 of them appear to be the responsibility of the county, and the rest (334) appear to be the responsibility of the state.